Laser technology
The laser technology is one of the biggest advances on the medical science and on the daily support in the traditional dental techniques. The laser device is a safe and advanced tool that offers multiple dental services.
The multiple benefits over the traditional dental methods are mainly:
- the patient’s tolerance towards the therapy that allows the reduce of the anesthesia at most of the dental operations. This ensures a better connection with most of the patients, especially with children.
- the reduced method’s intrusiveness , that results to a small amount of bleeding due to the hemostasis, and to a small cell destruction as well.
- the strong antibacterial action.
- the reduce on the number of visits and of the amount of therapies at most of the appliances.
The daily dental operations that the laser can be applied on, have to do with all the range of the therapies:
- periodontal therapies
- endodontic treatments
- oral operations
- implantology
- cosmetic dentistry
- treatment for herpes simplex
- treatment for temporomandibular joint syndrome
Teeth whitening, is one of the most common laser’s applications that ranks among the most popular procedures in cosmetic dentistry. Teeth whitening is a safe procedure that contributes to the change of the colour on both healthy and denervated teeth and while it improves significantly their aesthetic appearance.
This procedure can be operated by the patient at home, at the dental office during a session or by combining both ways. Basically, the procedure is about removing the discolouration from the external teeth surface. The discolouration is created gradually on the teeth’s surface due to the daily use or habbits that constitute of colourants, such as smoking, sodas, wine, tea and coffee.
Apart from the external discolouration at the daily clinical operation, there some internal discolouration as well that has made its appearance, mostly caused by the continuous presence of the external discolouration at the tooth’s surface due to the extended exposure to fluorine during childhood, the consuption of antibiotics which are consisted of tetracycline and due to other factors such as age, hormonal disorders, medication, etc. The most common internal discolour is the one that appears on denervated teeth.